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This site www.compte-r.com is published by the company CompteR, whose registered office is:

4 rue de l’industrie
63220 Arlanc

SIRET : N°31652004800026

Legal Representative: SANCY DEVELOPPEMENT, Président

The design and realization of this site are carried out by:
District 360 (Globule Rouge) – 15 Place de l’Hôtel de Ville – 42000 Saint Etienne

Website hosting is provided by:
CELEONET SAS – 70 Berthie Street Albrecht 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine

The site www.compte-r.com and all its contents, texts, images, databases etc …, are protected by the copyright.

Responsibility :

In accordance with the law of 11 March 1957 (article 41) and the intellectual property code of 1 July 1992, any partial or total reproduction for collective use is strictly prohibited without the authorization of the company COMPTE.R. The logos, images, visuals, texts and marks present on this site are the property of their respective owners who may be the company COMPTE.R.

This site may, without its knowledge, have been linked to other sites through hyperlinks. The company COMPTE.R declines any responsibility for the information presented on these other sites. The user acknowledges that the use of the site www.compte-r.com belonging to COMPTE.R is subject to French law.