Trap door on silo
Suitable or not suitable for vehicles, the trap door allows the filling of the berried silos, The advantages ares the good architectural integration and the solution of the problem of silo access and layout
Suitable or not suitable for vehicles, the trap door allows the filling of the berried silos, The advantages ares the good architectural integration and the solution of the problem of silo access and layout
The extraction is made by an endless screw, put at the silo’s bottom. Lateral sloping sheets allow the total use of the storage volume
This system assures the fuel storage and extraction assured by a ladder extractor system, put at the bucket’s bottom.
This system allows to optimize the fuel stock management. This type of equipment is used for silos with capacity over 400 or 500 m3.
This system allows the fuel extraction from a walk-in or burried silo, by a to and fro movement thanks to a fixed part and a moving part. The extractor consists of several modules, placed side by side and covering the entire paving surface at the bottom of the silo.
The TOPLOADER system allows to ensure the fuel’s extraction with high storage volume for a reduced floor surface. It is entirely automated, without necessity of operating staff. The advantage of this system is a reduced Investment, a low civil engeneering cost and an accessibility easiness for the maintenance.
The system is composed of the hopper that serves at fuel tank and of screws feeding the boiler.
The transfer screw allos the fuel transfer at the outlet of the extractor towards the introduction system of the boiler, This equipment is recommended for the boilers of little power and for the graded fuel. The length is adabtable following needs.
The conveyor is made of moving ladder scraper and is in charge of transfering the loading hopper’s fuel to the feeding firebreak valve of the generator.
This conveyor recovers the fuel at the outlet of the silo extractor in order to bring it towords the second transfer system.
This conveyor recovers the fuel at the outlet of the silo extractor in order to bring it towards the feeding system of the boiler. This equipment is recommended for the not graded fuel.
This conveyor recovers the fuel from the feeding conveyor in order to distribute it alternately towards the boiler 1 or the boiler 2.
The condenser makes it possible to recover energy from the fumes in order to increase the overall efficiency of the installation. It is placed downstream of the filtration system before the chimney. Compatible with any type of boiler and a fuel with a moisture more than 40%, this equipment guarantees the efficiency over 100% on LHV.
This equipment integrated into the structure of the bag filter makes it possible to recover the energy contained in the exhaust gases at the outlet of the flue gas treatment.
The smoke economizer allows to recover the energy contained in the exhaust gases at the outlet of the flue gas treatment.
The bag filter ensures the capture of the finest dusts to guarantee the constant emissions threshold regardless of the biomass fuel, combined with the high performance.
The electrostatic precipitator collects dust in the order of 90%, thanks to the electric field.
The anti-ember system is intended to extinguish the embers which can be contained in the combustion gases.
The inclined screw collects ash and soot from the boiler grid or under the dust arrestor or filter.
The conveyor is situated under the boiler for the recovery of the ash under the grid and at the end of it.
This conveyor makes it possible to distribute between two containers the ashes coming from the initial ash conveyor.